Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back To School

OK for many of us back to school is expensive and busy. I have children coming and going at my house and the kids just throw their coats, shoes, backpacks in the main entrance. I have a friend who's an owner of Wave Interiors and she recommended I put 12 hooks in my closet at waist high so the kids can hang their jackets themselves - it works. And I also put a mat on the closet floor for wet shoes. Now when the kids come home I can close the closet door and only see the back packs all lined up neatly (I do that). I put away the off season shoes and jackets. I also made my life easier by removing the TV from my main level - so much quieter and the children can focus on meal times and homework. Here are 5 tips to make your morning less hectic.
1. The night before pack their back packs - sneakers, homework, money orders...
2. Also lay out all the clothes for the next day.
3. Do one load of laundry and put the dishwasher on.
4. Know what recess is going to be and or lunch and dinner.
5. Have the breakfast plates out with oatmeal/cereal... ready to go.

Follow these tips and I promise every ones morning will be a good one! Till next time - keep it clean. T

Monday, March 16, 2009

I took my own advise and threw out all my magazines. It was hard but I made so much room in my bedside tables, desk, magazine racks.... Now I have room for new ones - ha, ha. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all the toys, sport equipment, Grandma's old furniture... I think if I had money I would love to do everything over. But I realized I will never have money and I need to be creative. I'm not crafty or designer material but I do well under pressure. So I was feeling the pressure yesterday and made a visit to Kent a local hardware store. I went to pick up a shovel and left with hundreds of ideas. I don't need to through everything out I just need to minimize, disguise and spend $300.00. Want to know what I would do????

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Clutter Diet - You'll feel better

It's time to purge. Throw out all your magazines. You really only need a dozen cook books.

Spring is coming and I find it helpful to group my belongings according to season. For example I have a swimming bin with goggles, beach towels, bathing suits... That way if were going swimming I can be ready in minutes and I don't have a kid crying because I can't find their goggles. Same thing goes for sport equipment, games, dress up clothes, Easter....

What kind of person are you - do you hide your belongings (closets, baskets) or are they out on display (open shelves, lots of things on your kitchen counter)?????

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Stop playing catch up, no more excuses organizing made easy. Here a great way to get started.
1. Buy a photo album and start putting new photo's in with dates. Don't worry about the others yet!
2. Spring cleanup. Start now before it gets here. Think ahead!
3. Donate, recycle and make room for what you NEED.
Join me weekly for advice on keeping life real/simple... It can be done just like that - SNAP - with a little help.
Thanks for joing me be sure to drop in again and get some tips from a mother of 4 trying to keep things simple and organized!